Healthy food – British school group 1 meeting

Dear participant,

Welcome to the British School in The Netherlands courses. Good to have you here.

The subject of the group meeting is ‘Healthy food’.

The program consists of:

  • An e-learning
  • An online groupmeeting

We request you to complete the e-learning prior to the groupmeeting.

The e-learning

The assignments from the e-learning are discussed in the group meeting. If you have any questions about the content, you can ask them in the groupmeeting.

The group meeting

The online groupmeeting is scheduled for January 29 – 2024. You have received an invite from DieetPlaneet to the digital groupmeeting via Google Meets.

Problems with logging in or accessing the Google Meets? In the webinars below you will find (Dutch) instructions on how to do this:

Webinar how to participate Google Meets

Good luck with the preparations.

We love to see you (well prepared) in the groupmeeting.
On to a healthier lifestyle!

With Kind Regards,
Team DieetPlaneet


29 januari 2024
29 januari 2024


Online evenement